Monday, May 7, 2012

Living statues

Mercedes-Benz Australian Fashion Week

Living Statues

At Mercedes-Benz Australian Fashion Week, the ever-innovative Jayson Brunsdon presented his spring/summer 2012/13 collection as an art installation – the models posed like statues, while invitees wandered around them!

InStyle caught up with the fashion designer – who has been in the industry for more than 20 years – to chat about his latest collection, the future and which Oscar-nominated actress he'd love to dress…

What inspired your new collection?
"The collection is titled The Lady is a Tramp. I took my ladylike aesthetic and injected a dose of sultry, steamy sensuality. After travelling to Buenos Aires, I was inspired by the romance and passionate nature of Latin America, which led me towards Evita and ultimately Madonna – her early '90s style influenced the collection. I thought that was appropriate to these times, [it feels like we, as a society,] have been controlled a lot recently, [told] "don't spend, don't lose control". I wanted my lady to let herself go, and fall in love."

What keeps you inspired, season-to-season?
Fashion is always evolving in so many sti w years in fashion, in terms of the way it's sold and presented across the Internet. Fashion has become an [extension] of the entertainment industry, which is why I've chosen to do a cinematic presentation this year rather than a runway show.

You have dressed many high-profile people over the years. Who has been your favourite?
"Well, you can't beat a Crown Princess. Meeting and dressing Princess Mary [of Denmark] has to be my highlight because royalty is beyond celebrity, it's something more, something almost surreal. Mary has such grace, polish and sensuality. She's humble, in a very royal way!"

Who would you love to see wearing your designs?
"I'd love to see Michelle Williams in one of my designs because she's such an incredible talent. She's luscious and sexy, yet elegant and vulnerable. She [exudes] glamour, in the way Hollywood stars [of old] used to."

What's the best piece of career advice you've been given?
"Know your customer."

What's on on the horizon for the next 12 months?
"I've learnt that there's more to life than work so for me personally Im excited about returning to Latin America for a summer holiday. I love the colour and passion of Rio so Ill be going back as soon as I can."