Friday, June 24, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oprah asked to strip and have her body painted - The Australian

AN Australian artist will ask American TV talk show queen Oprah Winfrey to strip off and have her body painted for charity when she comes Down Under in December.
Sydney body painter and make-up artist Eva Rinaldi has started an international campaign to get the huge star to agree to being tastefully painted with Australian icons, such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Bondi Beach, while wearing only a bikini, the Mosman Daily reports.
The stunt would not only be for a kick but to also raise money for a worthy cause of Winfreys choice, Rinaldi said.
Winfrey will film at least two episodes of her talk show during her stay, including one at the Sydney Opera House when the iconic building will be transformed into the Sydney Oprah House.
"Im a huge fan," Rinaldi said. "I have always wanted to body paint her."
This Saturday, a Winfrey look-a-like will be body painted as a lifesaver at Bondi Beach in Sydney to promote the challenge.
Rinaldi is also planning to ask Australian celebrities, including Nicole Kidman and good friend Russell Crowe, to be painted.
She has already painted US singers Katy Perry and Lady Gaga.
Former tourism boss John Brown has praised the promotion as an opportunity to match the buzz of Paul Hogan's "shrimp on the barbie" campaign.
Read more at the Mosman Daily.

Sydney's Playstation Mansion Secret Is Out; Celebs Party Hard With Human Statues, by Eva Rinaldi

Jamiroquai was the headline act at what was Sydney's most glamorous summer party event, the Take 40 Stars of Summer party presented by our friends at SingStar®, where Jay Kay and his band performed live to Australia's celebrity group and five lucky Take 40 and PlayStation® fans.

In Sydney promoting their latest album 'Rock Dust Light Star', Jamiroquai performed current single White Knuckle Ride, with other hits from the new album and some past  favourites, making the Take 40 Stars of Summer party the must attend Summer in Sydney happening. I feel blessed to have attended and also being able to add to the creative atmosphere with our Human Statue poolside party models.

The summer launch party took place at a luxurious Point Piper home that transformed beautifully into the 'PlayStation Mansion' for the late afternoon and evening. The exclusive harbour mansion party showcased Sydney Harbour as a backdrop, adding to the glitz, glamour and overall experience.

Take 40 Australia, a multi-platform entertainment brand now in its 27th year, prides itself on delivering the creme of pop culture and bringing fans closer than ever to the hottest stars in the world. The event was a chance to catch up and mix with one of the decade's most enduring chart superstars in uniquely intimate surrounds.

My favorite part of the event, other that transforming my models into lounge statues, was watching Australia's hottest DJ Havana Brown spin the decks, move and groove.

PlayStation's famous singing sensation SingStar, presented the Take 40 Stars of Summer event. One of Australia's favourite party games, SingStar is really hotting up this summer; now fans can practice their dance moves or strum their stuff while demonstrating vocal pitch, tone and rhythm with the new SingStar® Dance and SingStar® Guitar editions exclusively on PlayStation®3. Friends will have a blast singing off to the world’s most sought-after SingStar and SingStore tracks from international artists.

Guests were served exotic cocktails as they partied by the pool, mingling amongst A-list stars and glamorous hostesses as they enjoyed the only VIP party performance Jamiroquai will offer in Australia.

Bodyart by Eva Rinaldi

Natalie Imbruglia

Dj Havana Brown


Websites Of Reference


Take 40

Sony Playstation

Human Statue Bodyart

Natalie Imbruglia

Dj Havana Brown

Sea Shepherd returns to Bondi Beach with Eva Rinaldi; King Neptune comes to life

Jezmark Photography

Last night the famed environmental group Sea Shepherd returned to eco aware hotspot Bondi Beach, under the fearless leadership of Captain Paul Watson.

Bondi Pavilion's High Tide Room was the venue for the long awaited return of 'The Shepherd', for it had been about 3 years since the group had held a big gig at Sydney's most famous beach.

No Compromise! was a wonderful collaboration between Sea Shepherd and an army of supporters.

It was a sold out affair that saw a crowd of 300 plus in attendance lap up a great night of entertainment, education, presentations, arts, memorabilia exhibits and collaboration between like minded souls.

Nights like this one serve a few purposes for Sea Shepherd. Watson and his spokesperson was quick to point out the importance of awareness, education and fundraising, via news media, the internet and events.

Watson, not only a world class environmentalist, but also a seasoned media campaigner, has generated headlines around the world with his "direct action" tactics in response to the attack on whales and other creatures of the worlds oceans.

One of the most unusual elements incorporated into the evenings offerings was the brainchild of Human Statue Bodyart director, Eva Rinaldi. Ms Rinaldi made quite an appearance at the happening with her 'King Neptune' (Martin Vadam) and 'Son Of Neptune' (Lui Cantali) human statues, flanked by her favorite photographers Peter Carrette and Marek Jezierski, both themselves passionate environmentalists.

Perhaps the biggest media scoop, or at least one of the most colourful on the night was the revelation that the Sea Shepherd's most recent support vessel, the Ocean Adventurer, may very well be renamed 'Godzilla', which of course ties in beautiful with the Shepherd's vigilant opposing of the ongoing Japanese whaling massacre.

According to a number of international news articles and leaks, only will 'Godzilla' become the 1 million dollar vessel's official name if a new major sponsor comes on board. For the uninitiated 'Godzilla' is a daikaijū, a Japanese movie monster, first appearing in Ishirō Honda's 1954 film Godzilla. Since then, Godzilla has gone on to become a worldwide pop culture icon starring in 28 films produced by Toho Co., Ltd. The monster has appeared in numerous other media incarnations including video games, novels, comic books, television series, and an American remake. Some movies portray Godzilla in the role of a hero, while later movies returned to depicting the character as a destructive monster. It's safe to say that Watson's Godzilla is a hero to Sea Shepherd's environmental army and supporters, and poses some sort of threat to the Japanese whale killers, and the news media from Japan who play the Government "stay on message" whale research tactics. Don't the the Gozilla themes fool you that this is just fun and games, mixed in with Hollywood themes. It's well reported that over the years that aggressive Sea Shepherd campaigns against Japanese whaling have been the trigger point for a number of death threats, but neither side is currently prepared to go on record with this, despite it being quite the open secret. The enduring and often drawn out and expensive legal battles with Sea Shepherd are also no laughing matter.

In an interesting twist, it is currently understood that a Guinness World Record was broken on the night. What for you ask. How about most expensive beer, with one lucky punter purchasing some Antarctic Nail Ale for an astonishing $1850. Insiders tipped us off that there were some seriously cashed up folks attending the gig, so it appears some of them were very generous of spirit, making a real difference to the 'The Shepherd's' bottom line.

A number of guests were overheard to say that the 'King Neptune' statue was the most eye catching exhibits on the night, and a rumour circulated that a young Miss was interested to make an offer to date and take home 'The King', perhaps inspired from other exhibits that were up for live auction later in the evening. Whatever the case, a warm vibe rippled throughout the room, and you could feel the genuine warmth and love, both for mankind and the oceans creatures.

The night also featured a good spread of food, drinks, and eco aware musical performances, including by those by Bondi Beach band, Mojanda, one of Sydney's hottest and most exciting rock groups.

Whether you were a passionate environmentalist, surfer, art lover, socialite, or just curious, the night offered something for everyone.

Operation No Compromise is the Sea Shepherd's 7th Antarctic based campaign and the focus is protecting the whales in the Southern Ocean.

*The writer is a resident of Bondi Beach and a long time supporter of Sea Shepherd

Websites Of Reference:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Skins Bodypaint Launch

bodyart by Eva Rinaldi

skins bodypaint


Human Statue Bodyart Corporate Client Showcase Profile

Human Statue Bodyart Corporate Client Showcase Profile

Human Statue Bodyart is a Sydney, Australia based bodyart, bodypainting and human statue creative arts, marketing and events company.

They were established in 2001 by creative artist and photographer, Eva Rinaldi.

Human Statue Bodyart helps brands and individuals stand out from the pack, and assists them in meeting their image and branding aims and objectives.

Some of the brands that Human Statue Bodyart have assisted in their campaigns include Virgin, VW, Holden, IGT, World Vision, Anglicare, Skins, Eclipse, Waste and Recycling Expo, Peroni, Sony Music BMG, EMI, Levity Music, Karvezide, ANZ, Oxford Arts Factory, Levis, Tourism Australia, City Of Sydney, African Tourism, National Rugby League, Australian Shooting Championships, Corona, Schick, Vorafone, Sydney Opera Bar and Coca-Cola.
Human Statue Bodyart is the recognised leader in the Australian bodypainting and human statue creation industry and is frequently mentioned in the Australian and international news media.

They have won a number of awards and commendations over the years including media social and community entrepreneur of the month, Chalk The Walk and Penrith Arts Prize.

Contact Eva and her team today to see who they can help make you stand out from the pack.

Client Profiles
Sydney Opera Bar
Australian Waste and Recycling Expo
City Of Sydney
Heittich Australia
Sydney Bodyart Bike Ride
Sea Shepherd
Oprah Winfrey
Human Statue Bodyart
Attention Media:
Contact Human Statue Bodyart, Eva Rinaldi on 0458 705 825 e: